Salary Is Not The Answer To Retaining The Best Talent 

by | Aug 24, 2023

It's actually not all about the money. Well, salary might get women in the door. What they really want as they progress is a clear path to career advancement.

This episode is an excerpt from Ambition Theory and the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Building Better Report.  


  • What women want when they are looking for career opportunities 

  • Why women don’t advance at the same rate as the men they work with 

  • What you can do to retain women at your company 


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Special Thanks to Lucinda Dykens of Coastal Virtual Solutions for editing this episode.


What it’s really going to take to close the gender gap in the workplace

Every week we deliver thought leadership in the diversity and inclusion space. We interview CEO’s, authors, professors and real people who are doing their part to close the gender gap in the workplace.