How Women Improve Project Outcomes with Dr. Tim Taylor

by | Sep 7, 2023

There’s a labor shortage in the construction industry today, which has started a trend of companies wanting to attract more women. While the motivation may have started with getting more people in the door, the truth is that women bring a ton of value to the industry. Today, much of this value is untapped and isn’t leveraged. Dr. Tim Taylor from the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) talks about the findings of their research report In her own words: improving project outcomes. 


  • The value that women bring to the job site. 

  • How women influence the culture of job sites 

  • The return on investment of having women on your project team 


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Special thanks to Lucinda Dykens of Coastal Virtual Solutions for editing this episode.


What it’s really going to take to close the gender gap in the workplace

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