In this episode I sit down to chat with Jenifer Hargreaves, CEO and founder of Tellent, an organization that brings together experienced female professionals who have evolved beyond the 9 – 5 work model to connect, network and find meaningful and financially rewarding work so that they can lead, live and earn on their own terms. Jennifer is a business owner and master problem solver committed to connecting and bridging work opportunities for professional women in the new economy. In this conversation I learned how having flexible working conditions can lead to increased productivity while keeping workers happy, a value I am passionate about maintaining in my own company.
If you would like to join the tellent Community with a 10% discount, check out the links below:
For flexible job-seekers and freelancers – https://community.wearetellent.com/plans/37165?bundle_token=eb831e3846b9438b19d4d92531fce280&utm_source=manual
For talent seekers and entrepreneurs – https://community.wearetellent.com/plans/37164?bundle_token=592dc2f4c2831c0ab08f2c0bbb5486ce&utm_source=manual
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