The gender gap is big deal in the corporate world, women make less money and rise to leadership at a lesser rate than men. For entrepreneurs it isn’t much different. The amount of women starting businesses each year is growing exponentially, however from a revenue and job creation perspective, the impact is lagging. On this episode Eleanor Beaton shares how the gender gap shows up for entrepreneurs and what you can do about it.
Eleanor and I talk about:
- How to build radical conviction which is the next level of confidence that will push you and your career forward.
- Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and collecting failures, so that you learn as quickly as possible.
- The personal groundwork that you need to do in order to shift your mindset from business owner to CEO.
- How to open doors for women led businesses so that we can accelerate change.
Eleanor is the host of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: The success podcast for ambitious women. She’s an award winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker and women’s leadership development expert.
Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: http://www.eleanorbeatonpodcast.com/
Eleanor’s website: https://eleanorbeaton.com/