In this episode I interviewed Lindy Sood and Anna Lozano, the founders of Love Powered Co. We talk about self-confidence, self care and most importantly how to model these practices for the next generation. We all want our kids to be resilient and self-confident. It’s easy to tell your kids to believe in themselves, but how do you actually model the way and show them how to do it? Lindy and Anna created a practical solution in the form of beautiful family friendly affirmation cards. This practice is so simple, my 5 year old daughter Kaia even joins in for a few minutes to demonstrate. This practice has helped me to stay grounded in difficult situations and come up with creative solutions when things aren’t going well for me at work. If you’re looking for a way to be more optimistic, stay positive and model these behaviours for others this is the episode for you.
You can learn more about Love Powered Co. here https://lovepoweredco.ca/
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