Lorien Barlow began developing the documentary Hard Hatted Woman in 2013 and has since then interviewed dozens of tradeswomen from all over the US. The film is currently in post production and will be making it’s debut later in 2020. In this interview we talked about what motivated Lorien to take on this project and what she learned filming women on construction sites all across the US. Her biggest ‘aha’ moment was when she started to explore the reasons why women go into the trades, because it’s not what you think. Working in the trades is a really great job, but today there are still very few women in the profession, and the numbers aren’t really changing. Lorien is going to leverage this film to change the narrative and start a different conversation about the trades.
You can learn more about hard hatted women here http://www.hardhattedwoman.com/
Follow the film’s progress on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hardhattedwoman/
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