How the COVID-19 Crisis Has Made HR
One of the Most Important Jobs in Construction
Health, Wellness, Morale, Productivity, Engagement, Logistics… Human Resource’s list of individual and team priorities seems endless. And that was before March 2020.
June 10, 2021
8:30 am edt / 9:30 am adt
Your Hosts
2020/2021 has been possibly the most challenging year that any human resource professional and team will ever experience – especially in construction.
While employee health and wellness is always top-of-mind for HR teams, thanks to COVID-19, never before have so many employees’ mental, emotional, physical – even social – wellness been so negatively affected at the same time.
Once upon a time, a blanket policy might have been useful in supporting employees. But the pandemic demonstrated quickly that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. For office staff, live-alone, condo dwellers shouted “hurrah!” to calls for back-to-the-office, while parents with school-aged children sobbed into their morning coffee wondering what to do with their 5-year-old. Over on sites, workers either scratched their heads wondering what all the fuss was about or issued a collective groan about the paperwork required to receive possible site-closure compensation.
Amidst the rapid changes, it was HR who were (and are) tasked with supporting both managers and workers – in the office and on-site. Not to mention managing the coordination of redeploying talent, upskilling to keep roles (and the people doing them) relevant and supporting staff to access financial subsidy when both of the latter were unsuccessful. Oh, and we can’t forget the logistics of daily testing, quarantining, exposure, and contact tracing… “Unprecedented” seems like an understatement.
Join us on June 10, 2021 at 8:30 am EDT / 9:30 am ADT for a collaboration of construction HR professionals. Bring your experience, your thoughts and ideas and your wish list for exceptional employee experiences. Tap into each other’s collective intelligence and learnings as you strive forward into the “new normal.”
Here’s what you can expect:
- Sharing strategies for employee health and wellness programs.
- Creating solutions to increase employee morale and productivity.
- Exchanging ideas for meaningful and motivating employee summer programs.
- Brainstorming methods to get buy-in from your staff for the back-to-the-office transition.
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