Ambition Theory Articles
How To Be A Servant Leader Without Burning Yourself Out
Over the past year, I've heard from countless leaders who are exhausted and struggling. They aren’t using their vacation time, they're working longer hours and they can't see an end to this cycle....
The Crucial Conversation Every Dual-Career Couple Needs To Have
Everyone is looking for ways to remain successful in uncertain times. Women especially have a lot on their plates right now with navigating the new normal at work, homeschooling kids or...
How To Motivate Your Employees With A Simple Question
Why are my employees not taking initiative right now? Why are they not stepping up to the plate? Why are they not motivated? If you’re a leader of people today, I’m sure you’ve thought this at some...
Setting Hard Boundaries Can Hold Your Career Back: Here’s What To Do Instead
For years, women have been told to set boundaries, say no to things to protect their time and make sure that they don't get stuck in the grind. But here's the unfortunate truth. Setting a hard line...
Women: How To Get Yourself Noticed At Work
Your head is down, you're working hard and you've checked all the boxes when it comes to career development. You're grinding it out, producing more than anyone else on your team, but you're still...
How To Begin Implementing Sponsorship At Your Company
For years, women have been told, "If you want to be successful, you need to have a mentor; if you want to support the next generation, you need to mentor them." Mentorship programs were going to be...
Women: Stop Asking For Career Advice And Do This Instead
You want to get ahead in your career, you often reach out to another successful woman because you want to hear her story. You want that advice to help you find your way and get that next opportunity. This is what you’ve been told to do, and so you do it.

Imposter syndrome:
If you’re a woman in construction,
it’s not all in your head
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